Birch bark texture.

Ahtna Kanas Summer 2023

Protecting Ahtna’s Land and Resources

The primary goal of the Land & Resources Department is to protect and responsibly develop land and resources for the benefit of Ahtna shareholders. Protection of Ahtna’s lands and resources is done in partnership with state and federal law enforcement agencies.

Natural Resource Technicians, or NRTs, are tasked with patrolling and protecting Ahtna lands from trespass and disposal of waste, junk vehicles, garbage and hazardous materials. NRTs also monitor hunting and fishing activities, unauthorized removal of resources, and theft or damage to cultural and historical sites. Ahtna NRTs and Trespass Enforcement Specialists completed 343 trespass control checks, patrolling 19,457 miles of Ahtna lands in 2022.

Use of Ahtna lands without a permit is considered trespass under Alaska State law. The majority of the land under Ahtna, Inc. ownership is on the State Road System or accessible by water, which often leads to unauthorized trespass entry by members of the general public.

If you see something, say something.

For emergencies that require immediate attention, please call 911. For non-emergency issues, you can reach the Alaska State Troopers at (907) 822-3263 in Glennallen or (907) 768-2202 in Cantwell.

Often shareholders or Tribal members who observe an illegal activity are reluctant to report it to the Alaska State Troopers, federal law enforcement or Ahtna staff. Or if they do report it, they can share only limited information, making it difficult to press criminal charges and obtain a conviction through the court system.

Ahtna now has an online reporting system which affords shareholders an easier way to report illegal activities. Illegal activities may include, but are not limited to, general trespass, firewood cutting, fish theft, and non-permitted hunting or camping. Reports can be filed online at It’s important to note the date, location, number of persons in the party, and the make, model and year of vehicles involved. Photographs are also extremely helpful and can be shared via the form!